So yesterday, Ava's daycare lady called to say she had taken a two hour nap in the morning and was working on almost a 3 hour afternoon nap and wanted to know if she should wake her up. I told her to go ahead but was dreading what 5 hours of sleep meant-She has been really clingy the last couple days and had bad diapers (sorry for too-much-info!) soI figured she was getting sick. When I went to pick her up from daycare, she was running a low fever but seemed happy overall. Well we went to Grandpa and Grandma Gardner's house for Grandma's birthday and I decided to do some investigating, hoping I would find a good reason for Ava not being herself..Sure enough I hit the jackpot! Ava finally has a tooth!!! Its the bottom left center one and its all the way through the gums but you can't see it when she smiles yet. I was pretty excited because I was beginning to wonder if she was ever going to get any teeth :-) Thankfully, she is still sleeping really well and not being cranky so once again, we have been blessed with an easy baby. Knock on wood- I hope she keeps it up! We leave for a wedding this weekend and then vacation on Tuesday so I hope she stays happy-who knows, maybe we will come back from vacation and she will have a few more teeth...