Monday, September 29, 2008

The weekend

Well the painting never ends..we are still working on painting the outside of the house. I got up early Saturday and was painting by 7:30am. My mom came over to hang out with Ava until about 9am and then my step-mom came over and played with her ALL day until 5pm. Nick was working so my friend Amanda came over and later my dad and brother came over to help. We made great progress but we still have a long way to go!! I will post before and after pictures as soon as we are done! I am taking tomorrow off of work to try to make some more progress on it..In the midst of all the painting, I realized Ava felt a little warm..when I came in at 5:30pm Saturday night, she had a 102.4 fever. I took her to the doc yesterday and he thinks its a sinus infection. She has pretty much slept all weekend and just lays on the floor and mopes when she is awake..hopefully my baby feels better soon! She was still running a fever this morning so hopefully with some sleep and some Motrin, she will make it through the day at daycare..

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